Distributed gas sensor based on a photonic bandgap fiber cell with laser-drilled, lateral micro channels
H. Lehmann, H. Bartelt, R. Willsch, Institute of Photonic Technology (Germany); Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, J. C. Knight, University of Bath (United Kingdom)
The fabrication, characterization, and use of a laser-drilled hollow core photonic band gap fiber (HC-PBGF) as a gas sensor in the near infrared region, from 1.5 μm to 1.7 μm wavelengths, are discussed. HC- PBGFs with laser-drilled, lateral micro channels have the ability to realize fast-responding, distributed gas sensor cells with large optical path lengths. By using white light spectroscopy as a sensor interrogation method, together with chemometric methods, not only the detection of individual gases but also the quantification of composed gas mixtures is possible.