All-fibre interferometric configurations based on suspended-core fibres for pressure measurement
S. H. Aref, INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computers Engineering of Porto (Portugal); M. I. Zibaii, M. Kheiri, H. Porbeyram, H. Latifi, Shahid Beheshti University (Iran); O. Frazão, F. M. Araújo, L. A. Ferreira, J. L. Santos, INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computers Engineering of Porto (Portugal); J. Kobelke, K. Schuster, IPHT-Jena - Institute of Photonic Technology (Germany)
In this work, two all–fibre interferometric configurations based on suspended core fibres (SCF) are investigated. A Fabry-Pérot cavity made of SCF spliced in-between segments of single-mode and hollow-core fiber is proposed . An alternative sensing head configuration formed by the insertion of a length of SCF as a birefringence element in a Sagnac interferometer is also demonstrated. The sensitivity to pressure and temperature was determined for both configurations.