Optical fibre sensor for measurement the large range of strain and frequency vibrations of flat diaphragm
H. Krisch, M. Lau, S. Tournillon, KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH (Germany)
The subject of this work is the use of a novel fibre optic sensor in industrial applications. In the presented investigation, the issue of accurate determination of a flat diaphragm frequency response has been studied. Here a special construction including a fibre optic interferometer is used to monitor the deformations on the diaphragm surface. Main advantage of fibre optic interferometer is the possibility of measurement of phase changes within the range of micro radian. The challenge of the implementation of such technology under hard industrial environment lays in the extremely difficult requirements like large temperature range, high pressure dynamics, chemical resistance, measuring range, demanded sensitivity, vibration immunity etc. It is also necessary to design an inexpensive system.